Email Countdown from POWR.io






Para el 2030 habrá 9.000 millones de personas

se consumirá 50% más de petróleo y energía,

se necesitará producir 30% más de alimentos

y otro tanto de agua potable, la contaminación

se habrá elevado a 440 ppm de CO2 y la temperatura 1, 5º C,

habremos talado tanto como la superficie de Francia, se

habrá perdido el 10% de las especies, los caladeros

agotados y necesitaremos 2 planetas para

sobrevivir. El crecimiento de ciudades ocupará un

área equivalente a Francia, Alemania y media España,

mientras habrá 2 millones más de personas por semana.

Pero, estaremos colonizando Marte y habrá robots...






Cada vez queda menos para el decisivo quiebre del umbral de 1,5º C



PETICIÓN: “Que los gobiernos del mundo aprueben e instrumenten el Fondo Verde Solidario del 2% del PIB mundial, en forma anual, para terminar de inmediato con el hambre, la pobreza extrema y el calentamiento global en toda la Tierra e implementen el Eco Gobierno Planetario bajo sistema de Democracia Digital Directa Global, decretándolo como Ley Universal obligatoria por Naciones Unidas para la Salvación del Planeta.."




Home / Fondo Solidario


CHARITY FUND OF 2% of global GDP

RG architect has designed a Master Plan to Save the Planet which includes a Solidarity Fund 2% of GDP annually, to end forever the scourge of hunger, extreme poverty, overpopulation and global warming. To which a proposed Planetary Government and forms of Direct Democracy Digital impersonation with qualified time money is added. About these central issues, so far no political meetings, we talk about limitations on emissions of greenhouse gases, but there is a plan to reorganize the planet's resources. We present this strategy and submit to public debate.


Planet in crisis: 1% of the population owns 50% of the total wealth. 800 million go hungry. 17,000 children die per day. Amazon loses 18,000 hectares per hour. Year we cut the surface of Scotland. 50% of corals were lost. And 1 1/2 Planets are needed. CO2 over up to 400 ppm. Submarine methane escapes and the temperature at the poles can upload 12º and oceans rise 80 meters. In 2050 we will 12.000 million and need three planets.


There is a Plan to Save the Planet: The Solidarity Fund is 2% of global GDP, annually, to end hunger, overpopulation and global warming. This Master Plan was designed by architect RGF, head of GlobalSolidarity.International, driving this initiative worldwide.


These monies are equivalent to 2,139,439.4 million U $ S. Sufficient to eradicate hunger and extreme poverty in the world. End preventable deaths of 17,000 children per day. Pump stop overpopulation, the cause behind all the current problems, since it is what makes grow consumer demand and pollution.


Armed with this budget may be planted 30 billion new trees and proceed to then bury the logs, trapping the CO2 and returning the greenhouse gas underground and proceeding to an intelligent control of global climate, by regulating carbon dioxide free in the atmosphere. By greening the world's forests. The task is done by the multinational AEON of Japan with expertise in forest restoration, not to repeat the mistakes made with green credits.


Also, they will have the games to take a historic decision, change the entire fleet and move to fuel engines with hydrogen and stop polluting the environment. There will be sufficient funding for this.


It may fight drug trafficking and corruption with the coordination of a global coalition government with powers assigned to the effect of eradicating achieve large common ailments, and elected and controlled through a system of Digital Direct Democracy. Will incumbencies limited to global issues, such as nature reserves will no longer belong to national jurisdictions and will go to the planetary administration, as the case of Amazonia.


Kofi Annan reported to the UN and UNICEF are deficient organizations, consumed by administrative costs 40% of the resources entering it. This means that of 10 people to be helped 4 die on the way. To correct this Private UNICEF will be created under an equation of administrative efficiency at a cost of 20% .


As a candidate for president first planetary Global Solidarity proposes that the environmental leader of the State of California, former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Global consensus may emerge other candidates. The existence of global funds creates the need for an administrative superstructure and hence the step Planetarium coalition government.


By a simple political decision can all communicate through a second language, using in practice already it adopted English as an international language. If the measure is implemented within five years, all the inhabitants of Earth can speak the same second language.


Today digital technology allows us to move towards modern forms of Digital Direct Democracy for an integrated Scientific Committee Advisory Board. Electronic voting can be channeled through e-mails from loyal numbers identity, protected by three key inviolable security.


Robotics replace labor by 2025. This will break the old capital-labor relationship. To resolve the contradiction money will be replaced by qualified time.


The most promising of these measures is that nothing prevents us to take this important step. We only become aware of and properly petition the country by country authorities and the United Nations. If the people want the people you can.


In September 2000, 189 countries signed the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations [A / RES / 55/2], in which they pledged to eradicate extreme poverty in all its forms by 2015. In order to contribute to record progress towards these commitments, a number of objectives and goals were established for a specific term and quantified, called the Millennium Development Goals, aimed at combating poverty in its many dimensions, including reducing income poverty, the hunger, disease, environmental degradation and gender discrimination. Its goals include halving, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than $ 1 per day ... The problem is that countries violate their commitments and all funds fail to UNICEF. Meanwhile, starving for lack of vaccination and 17 000 children per day, 6.3 million per year (http://www.childmortality.org/).


The Solidarity Fund Program increases of 0.7% to 2% of world GDP economic aid and backed by law in each country. With these additional resources it will not be possible to eradicate 50% of extreme poverty by 2015, but the total of the same all over the planet and meet the specific emergency Climate Change action.


If every free citizen of the world, using its share of power, becomes aware of Positive Change World that will come on all our societies, implementing the Solidarity Fund 2% of GDP, we will achieve a more just, healthy and at peace for this planet and for future generations.

 We, free citizens of the world, in full possession of our faculties, we instructed our representatives to the legislative, executive and judicial powers, to adopt a law on accession to this international initiative -the Solidarity Fund 2% of GDP mundial- which aims to solve extreme poverty, overpopulation and global warming, as a fundamental priority.


By that law, the nation joins the Planetary Emergency Declaration and the implementation of a rate of 0.3% on international and national financial system, in order to raise at least $ 2,139,439.4 million U$S per year (between all nations that signed this agreement). If this rate is insufficient 8% tax on the profits of oil companies operating in the country will apply, and if this is not enough appeal to raise up to 5% of net profit of multinationals.


The funds will be administered by the Kennedy Funding in the first instance. It is named as associate presidents GreenMoney Funding, which will centralize the funds, to: Mr. Barak Obama (NAFTA), Kofi Annan (Africa), Prince Charles (United Kingdom), Hisahito (Asia-Japan), Abdul Kalam (Asia-India ), King Abdullah II (Middle East) and Bachelet (Latin).


By citizenship referendum vote if you agree with the formation of a planetary government under a presidential form of executive power renewable every four years, with limited to solving global problems concerns. And also it decides to develop the means to move to immediate forms of Digital Direct Democracy, supplanting the current model of representation, with a Board of Sciences.


the giants of the software will be hired - Google and Microsoft in order to develop a system enabling online monitoring of every penny, since it is allocated or donated to its final destination. Any web user can track.


With 2% of global GDP, annually, it will be able to:


1. Abolish the extreme poverty in all the earth, forever.

2. No more no child dies of hunger and preventable diseases.

3. flourish forest, 20 billion trees will be planted.

4. stop polluting technology to be renewed.

5. The fleet will be replaced by other hydrogen.

6. alternative energy be developed in replacement of oil and coal.

7. oceans decontaminated.

8. Amazonia is saved.

9. overpopulation is limited.

10. There will be heading for environmental disaster.

11. combat terrorism.

12. It will combat international drug trafficking.

13. Organized crime and corruption are desarticulará.


* The 2,139,439.4 million U $ S will be collected from all countries of the globe.




1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

2.Achieve universal primary education

3. Promote gender equality and empower women 

4.Reduce child mortality

5.Improve maternal health

6.Combat HIV / SIIDA, malaria and other diseases 

7.Ensure environmental sustainability

8. Develop a global partnership for development


To help make this change on the world actually send your full name, document number and your e-mail and data from your country and city where you live. It includes your ideas to help improve the Master Plan.


Be aware


Your NGO or your company, plays a vital role in this Master Plan can become a reality. First you and your colleagues should be aware that if humanity manages to give this step will have funds to meet capital-intensive major scourges such as hunger, extreme poverty, overpopulation, pollution, global warming, environmental disasters and drug trafficking. There will be a new world organization of resources and all benefit directly and indirectly. Earth will be fairer for everyone.


If your business is the political power must understand that without a more balanced and in harmony with world natural resources, there can be no sustained progress in the long term for any country. We must assume, among all our share of responsibility for the planet. Intensive funding is needed to address global problems and we must take care to provide them effectively and continuously over time. Not enough to turn off the lights of cities for presidents to take charge of climate change, the urgent need is to support and adopt the Law of the Solidarity Fund 2% of global GDP, country by country, creating a new planetary consciousness and therefore a new society.


Master Plan for the triumph adóptalo between the goals of your organization. Send e-mails, collect signatures, achieved the support of your local community. The expansion of the idea should progress from house to house.




• Creation of the NGO Committee on Cooperation and Volunteer Universal Solidarity Fund. • Call for submission of NGO programs to eradicate hunger, disease and poverty on the planet, financed by the Solidarity Fund. • Use of the greatest technological and human resources to achieve end hunger, overpopulation and global warming. • Projects policies and humane ways to generate the desired World Positive Change. • Study of strategies to achieve the support of most of the population and institutions to the Solidarity Fund * We request that your adhesion as a company logo to send us a post on the page of the Solidarity Fund. We believe this is the fairest, urgent and humanitarian causes today and you think like us. Send us your comments and feedback to refine this Master Plan. For now it is the only rational choice to avoid the collective suicide. Supports the initiative!  


Read the Master Plan!

Support of Pope  Francisco


In 2030 we will be 9,000 million according to the United Nations and will need two planets to be self-sufficient. Today we consume 87 million barrels of oil per day by 2030 will be 120 million, we reach the peak of consumption and wells begin to dry. That will end the industrial era based on oil and gas. By 2050 we will need to produce 12,000 million, 70% more food and we need three planets. The only rational solution is to limit and reduce the population, requiring that all families do not have more than one child. We have already exhausted the reserves in our world. We are too ... If this Master Plan is implemented in no time and form, they will happen tragic consequences and die hundreds of millions, perhaps billions. Time will judge us. Meanwhile, the climate summits only serve for friendly gatherings, big meals and all kinds of pleasures, while great allowances at the expense of the people are paid ... and are saying that we have only 15 years before the great problems start appear. Just a blink! 





Arq. RG


Copyright 2023. Todos los derechos reservados. Se permite su publicación citando la fuente  


e-mail:Soluciones Cambio Climatico (info@solucionescambioclimatico.org)

Hola Roberto. Cuenta con nosotros: Asociación por el Medio Ambiente y contra el Cambio Climático

*poco a poco, la idea se va comprendiendo...



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Apoya la creación del Tribunal Penal Internacional del Medio Ambiente



2% for the planet and Eco Planetary Goverment