


Between Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata, 380 kilometers without vehicles and without pollution, for 27 million residents

Extract from the book:


Length= 380K

Width= 22 apples

Dwellings= 9,144,000

Inhabitants= 27,432,000

Farms= 7,620 hectares

It is the solution conceived by Buda Maitreya in 2009 for intelligent pedestrian cities, without pollution, self-sustaining and in harmony with the environment. There residents, tourists and wildlife can coexist in harmony.

Argentina is bankrupt and aimless, it needs a megaproject like this one that recasts the Republic and redirects all energies, awakening citizens towards the best sustainable future, starting not from the future, but from the present. The change begins now and today, assuming the commitment to change following the correct goal.

We need to bring together a community of the brightest minds to redefine the future. We will do it by building the first cognitive city in America, using the power of pure human intelligence and AI to interact with the population and other nations. We must once again trust in the strength of our arms and get down to work. Have faith and do not doubt. Work and leave the past of disappointments and discords behind.

Arurb joins the outskirts of the cities of Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata, in Argentina, through a straight urbanized line 22 blocks wide, with a hyperloop system along the longitudinal middle, that is, along the central axis, covering the entire length of the checkerboard from one end to the other every 30 minutes.

This project dates from 2009, it was published by Maitreya for the first time on January 10, 2012 on Amazon, under the title “Buddha Maitreya: Master Plan to save the Planet”.

Unlike the other competing project in Saudi Arabia, Arurb is implanted in the midst of a beneficial and prolific nature, which is why the industrialization in technology parks and the generation of new ICT and AI uses, is added to the agricultural exploitation of livestock for export.

Likewise, Arurb is a much more open proposal, with more air and light, with more greenery and with more life in contact with nature and with less dependence on artificial means.

Given Argentina’s lack of financial capacity, the project is open to foreign investment. In the first place, through a respective law, the respective spaces of Arurb are declared a Free Zone, to receive investments from other countries that wish to bet on the new Argentina redesigned and reorganized spatially and morally. And all these investors are not taxed on their products.

Interested foreign nations are also invited to participate financially in the project and send 2 to 3 million of their citizens to populate Arurb, making the city cosmopolitan. Therefore, the mandatory use of a second language is imposed, English as a universal language.

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