Ray Kurzweil, Google’s director of engineering, recently predicted that by 2029 robots will reach human-like levels of intelligence. Gartner, an information technology research and advisory firm, also predicted that a third of today’s jobs will be replaced by intelligent software, robots and machines by 2025. The Overseas Development Institute estimates that between 2038 and 2042…
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Within a world that is exploding due to overpopulation, which from 8 billion is heading towards 12 billion, perfecting the technique of eternal youth may not be a good idea. Unless it is applied to special individuals who stand out for their scientific and intellectual gifts Through advanced biodigital neurotechnology, the balance can be restored…
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The objective is to create a neurodigital interface for interconnection with Cosmic Quantum Intelligence, the Software of Creation, the fifth force of physics that orders the universe and that reflects the Cosmic Mind of God in matter. The Adonai Horeb Project aims to achieve contact with the Background Cosmic Quantum Intelligence. This is the reflection…
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