
2nd Great Inter-American Revolution

2nd Great Inter-American Revolution

Private Popular Consultations to vote on the implementation of Direct Digital Democracy, the Science Council, the new president of the United American Nations and the new capital of the United Americas

The thirteen British colonies in North America declared their independence on July 4, 1776, from then on the world changed. On the face of the whole Earth, freedom and democracy, equal rights and respect for the law began to be breathed.

Today, 246 years later, the 2nd Great Inter-American Revolution begins, consisting of the advent of Direct Digital Democracy and the integration and creation of the United American Nations (read e-book).

How will it happen? GSL System will arbitrate with allied international software companies a loyalty e-mail system according to the document numbers of each country, accessible through three security codes. In this way, private popular consultations will be held with the entire population of the three Americas. They will be asked the following:

Do you want?

inter-american president
Direct Digital Democracy
Inclusive circular green economy
System that replaces money
single army
unique Magna Carta
Without Borders
Full Consensual Integration
Universal language
abolition of poverty

With the following constitutionally guaranteed free rights:

Full access to health

Full access to healthy food

Total free and open access to education

Full access to decent housing

Full access to decent work

Full access to digitized government


It is not utopia, it is not insanity: the American United Nations is the correct answer to the great modern challenges. The division and confrontation between North and South weakens all Americans equally and endangers in the medium and long term the revolutionary ideals of Liberty, Truth, Justice, Equality and Fraternity. The best way to protect American civil rights is the definitive union of all Americans, in a single supranational, geographical and political unit.

This will allow a dynamic vital economic flow, an expansion of all American companies from South to North and from North to South, under the logic of an expanded and gigantic internal market.

The enemies of this great unification are the same enemies of the people themselves in each nation. Sectors that benefit by subjecting huge swaths of the oppressed population, with scarce resources and organization, to economic and cultural slavery.

The founding of the United American Nations allows laying the foundations for the reorganization of the total set of forces that make up human civilization and fully activating the 7 projects of the Master Plan for the Salvation of Planet Earth.

For the logic of this Master Plan, a sufficient physical support structure is needed to allow its full development and execution. The conjunction of both elements will give the predominance of American culture and values over the entire world, during the entire 21st century.

Allowing, likewise, the change towards the formation of the First Planetary Eco Government, which must respond to the demands of the budding Planetary Emergency, created due to the synergistic effects and geometric acceleration of Global Warming-Flood.

Both structures: the United American Nations and the Unified Planetary Government, respond to the need to attend to the deep crises that the human race is going through, in its dawn of technological maturation.

These terminal problems: overpopulation, pollution, global warming, hunger, pandemics, wars, drug trafficking, discrimination, trafficking, violation of human rights, cannot be solved without first complementing and uniting all the world’s human and technological resources.

Without superior infrastructural logic, planetary scale problems cannot be addressed. All actions are predetermined to isolated fragmentation and biased effectiveness.

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