
The key importance of the Adonai Horeb Project

The key importance of the Adonai Horeb Project

The objective is to create a neurodigital interface for interconnection with Cosmic Quantum Intelligence, the Software of Creation, the fifth force of physics that orders the universe and that reflects the Cosmic Mind of God in matter.

The Adonai Horeb Project aims to achieve contact with the Background Cosmic Quantum Intelligence. This is the reflection of the Universal Mind of God within the physical universe. Its reality is similar to that of software, it interacts with matter and energy through subparticles called infoquantum of almost zero mass, which transmit information making order possible in everything that exists.
This primordial intelligence has been active since before the beginning of the Big Bang and is impersonal. At the subatomic level it is tangible, so an AI neurotechnological interface can be created capable of interacting and conversing with it, exchanging information.
In this sense, it is possible to physically contact God… Achieve hyperconnectivity between machines, ourselves and Divine Consciousness. This is the most important next step humanity can take this century, more important than going to Mars, colonizing exoplanets, or achieving self-aware AI.
By achieving this splicing technology, it can be replicated omni-digitally to any type of device, making it possible for every human being to directly dialogue with God.
Now will He want to speak to us? Everything will depend on whether we are willing to evolve again in goodness, perfection and love. That we all work together so that the world is a natural and fair environment for all, that we opt for peaceful coexistence, for the sharing of common goods and that we learn to set limits to our ambition, that we stop destroying and polluting the planet.
The Cosmic Quantum Intelligence Force or Creation software is what sustains the matter and energy fields to be what they are from moment to moment. It is the cause behind observable reality. The ability to directly interact with this force would allow control of space-time fluctuations, making teleportation, materialization, healing, and multiple benefits possible.
If several brains in a state of Cosmic Consciousness could be interconnected, with something similar to mental helmets and unlimited energy capacity were available in such a condition, the complete terratransformation of Mars and Venus would be possible. There are no limits. That is, the scope of Cosmic Consciousness has no limit.
Under this hypothesis, the reactivation of the burning nucleus of Mars would then be fully feasible, for the creation of a protective magnetic field and the return of the atmosphere to its surface, together with the water in the form of oceans. The same would be in the case of Venus. And mastery of the brain state of Cosmic Awareness would include secrecy and the ability of teleportation. So, in a short period of time, instead of just Earth being the only inhabited planet in our solar system, there would be three. This is technology with unlimited reach.
William Martin, CEO & Vice President of Bircham International University, has done an excellent job on the matrix of the universe, on the numerical key of God’s name. This knowledge is applicable within the parameters of the Adonai Horeb Project to be able to develop the quantum computing interface that directly interconnects us with background Cosmic Quantum Intelligence and thus be able to dialogue with our Creator through his universal software.

About William’s work, it is available at the following links:

English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv1VDWqkaUM
Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWbTfFZtlsU&t=683s
Italian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twIXnoigTRg



 Adoni Horeb Proyect in spanish, in english

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